
The Orchestration

When covert ops director John Darque receives a mysterious package from a former adversary, he suspects the worst, but the box contains items more dangerous than even he could have imagined… they indicate that the President-Elect of the United States, Thomas Jefferson Davis, is a mole whose rise to power has been carefully nurtured for more than 30 years as part of a Russian plot to overthrow the US government. Darque’s organization must first determine if Davis is a threat to the US, and, if so, are others also involved in the plan. The greatest challenge, however, still lies ahead: once a conspiracy is uncovered, Darque must formulate a scheme to thwart the Russian coup, but in a way that casts no suspicion on Davis, in order to protect the American people. If the conspiracy evolves undeterred, World War III is imminent. Eliminating the threat will require all of Darque’s ingenuity and expertise to prevent the overthrow of America from within. The Orchestration is a gripping thriller in the tradition of great espionage novels.

The Master Hacker

When SunHee Nham, a disaffected North Korean computer scientist working in China, decides to escape her conscription, she takes a few secrets with her. Her dream of living in freedom in the U.S. begins to prey on her mind when she thinks about the hardships under which her fellow countrymen are forced to live. After a chance meeting with John Darque, the head of a covert organization charged with maintaining the balance of power in the world, the two form a partnership to destroy a weapon system she developed for use against Western nations. When she becomes aware of pursuing Chinese agents, she knows her freedom will be short lived. To make matters worse, she realizes her association with Darque’s group will put it in danger of being exposed. SunHee’s dilemma changes for the better when Darque poses a plan to turn the tables on a group of rogue nations intent on using the technologies she developed to blackmail the rest of the world. She agrees to help Darque with his plan in the hope that the result will create the spark of change needed to better the lives of her countrymen. However, with change comes sacrifice, and sometimes the price of sacrifice can be very high.

The Darque Side

When a long-ago bungled ambush in a remote jungle turns out to be the prelude to an international incident that could change the balance of power in the world, John Darque, known to his friends as ‘Chadeaux’, intervenes. Darque, the head of a covert organization charged with maintaining the balance of world power, and the sole survivor of the jungle ambush, quickly realizes two agendas are in play with the power grab – one global, and one personal. To resolve the global issue, Darque and his group follow a team of Iranian terrorists from attacks inside the US to Europe and the Middle East before ending the threat, but it isn’t until after returning to the US that Darque’s personal issue is resolved in a manner that results in his ‘demise’.